Its Time to Level Up Your Video Poker

For decades players have played video poker as the way it was presented and promoted online. Soon enough online casinos heeded the call of video poker fans and introduced new features of game play which enable players to enjoy video poker even more than before.

There are four hands involved in the level up video poker game. The newest innovation is that these hands are not played at the same time but after each level up phase. Each hand requires certain number of levels or level to be accessed. More importantly the player needs to win under any condition to proceed to next hand and next level. If in case the player loses the lower level, it is simply game over and it all needs to be started again from scratch.

This new level up system in online video poker has given a new face to it and provides more challenge to the players. The most interesting part is that the payout amount is not changed in the first round or first level. But as the player gradually moves up the level or hand, the amount gets changed. The payout for level 2 is two times the wagered amount and for level 3 it is three times and for level four it is four times.

After winning in level four, the player gets not only the wagered amount of level four but all other previous amounts from previous rounds of his video poker endeavor. If the player unfortunately loses in any of the initial three rounds then he / she has to quit game and the wagered money is lost just like that.

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